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Templo parroquial de San Pedro Villaldama Nuevo Leon (1690)

Church at El Real de Santiago de las Sabina

Sabinas Hidalgo Nuevo Leon


The old silver mines of San Pedro Boca de Leones

Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon

Diego de Villarreal Family

Migration patterns 1627 - 1747

by Danny Villarreal

Upon Diego de Villarreal's marriage in 1626 with Beatriz de las Casas Navarro, her father Bernabe de las Casas gave them as a marriage gift the Mining Hacienda de Eguia today Abasolo Nuevo Leon.

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Church Abasolo, Nuevo Leon

Later Diego de Villarreal purchased a silver mine from his wife's sister Juliana. The Hacienda de Chipinque, today the Villa of Carmen, Nuevo Leon, this property was inherited by dona Juliana de las Casas, who also inherited her father's encomienda of the Cacuilipalina Indians. Diego de Villarreal is credited for founding the town of El Carmen Nuevo Leon.

Templo de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe El Carmen Nuevo Leon

On the 30th of June 1687 Diegos sons presented themselves before Sr. Agustin Echevers y Subisar, Marques de San Miguel de Aguayo, Caballero de la Orden de Santiago, Vizconde de Santa Olaya, Gobernador y Capitan General del Nuevo Reyno de Leon, to present to him Diegos holdings and to divide his assets as their inheritance.




This is partial map of Nuevo Leon showing the towns where Diego de Villarreal sons moved to. Diego the younger, Juan Bautista and Bernabe settled in Boca de Leones now Ciudad Villaldama. Francisco settled in Sabinas Hidalgo, Cristobal settled in Hidalgo and Juan in Abasolo.

Partial Map of Nuevo Leon, Mexico

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WEBJEFE Danny Villarreal


Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (1715-1832)

Villaldama Nuevo Leon

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"Potrero Chico"

In 1611 Bernabe de las Casas established silver and Gold mines in the area and named the area "Hacienda de En medio". Later it was called "Nuestra Señora del Pueblito" and finally Hidalgo Nuevo Leon